The largest and most prestigious global award for PMOs, Projects, and PMO professionals.

The 2021 PMO Global Awards Stages

Nomination Stage

Jan 1st to May 15th

Choose the category and award that interest you or your organization, submit the application, and send the nomination package.

Evaluation Stage

Jun 15th to Sep 31st

In this stage, nominees will be evaluated by the Judging Committee, composed of 450+ members, representing 120+ countries.

Check out Fixtures and Standings

Celebration Stage

Nov 12th

The winners will be announced and honored at the Awards Ceremony.

Registration Opens Soon

Feedback Stage

Nov 15th to Dec 31st

PMO Category's nominees will receive an individual report with the Judging Committee's feedback and improvement recommendations.

Available soon

Application Stage

Feb 1st to April 30th

Choose the category and award that interest you or your organization, submit the application, and send the nomination package.

Evaluation Stage

Jun 1st to Sep 30th

In this stage, nominees will be evaluated by the Judging Committee, composed of 400+ members, representing 100+ countries.

Celebration Stage

Dec 4th

The winners will be announced and honored at the PMO Global Awards Annual Ceremony.